Steam Offers 35% Discount on Tactical Shooter GROUND BRANCH

Steam Offers 35% Discount on Tactical Shooter GROUND BRANCH
Steam Offers 35% Discount on Tactical Shooter GROUND BRANCH (Image via: @Steam X Handle)

Steam has announced a special midweek deal, offering a 35% discount on the tactical shooter game GROUND BRANCH. The discount reduces the price from $29.99 to $19.49, and the deal will be available until June 24, 2024​​.

GROUND BRANCH is developed by BlackFoot Studios and published by MicroProse Software. It was released as an Early Access title on August 14, 2018. The game has garnered a dedicated fanbase due to its emphasis on realistic tactical gameplay​​.

About the Game

In GROUND BRANCH, players assume the role of elite operatives from the CIA’s Special Activities Center/Special Operations Group (SAC/SOG). The game is set in various global locations where players must conduct deniable operations. It aims to revive the tactical realism genre popular in the late ’90s and early 2000s​​.

GROUND BRANCH is known for its “True First-Person” system, which enhances immersion by ensuring that the player’s view and physical presence in the game world are interconnected. For example, if your character’s foot is sticking out of cover, enemies can see and shoot at it. This system increases the tactical depth of the gameplay​​.

Features and Updates

The game offers extensive customization options for characters and equipment. Players can modify their loadouts, including vests, weapons, and attachments, to suit their playstyle. The developers have promised continuous updates to improve the game’s systems, including sound, animation, and AI enhancements​.

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Recent updates have made several improvements, such as adjusting the lean, run, and sprint mechanics to prevent spamming, refining the breaching charges, and improving the game’s night vision mechanics. These updates ensure that the game remains challenging and realistic​.

The Early Access phase has allowed the developers to gather feedback from the community, which plays a crucial role in shaping the game’s development. The developers have actively engaged with players through forums, Discord, and other platforms to discuss ideas and improvements. This collaborative approach has helped address bugs and implement new features based on player input​.

GROUND BRANCH offers a unique and challenging experience for fans of tactical shooters. The current discount on Steam provides an excellent opportunity for new players to join the community and experience the game. With its focus on realism and continuous updates, GROUND BRANCH is set to remain a staple in the tactical shooter genre.